Tuesday on the web

They say the light in Southern California is different than the light anywhere else.  No one is ever very descriptive about this.  When you're walking around, it's very subtle, hard to notice.  I think it might have something to do with the very thin cloud cover that hangs around near the ocean.  Or maybe it's the fact that very few parts of Southern California are built up, letting in tons of light between and around buildings.  In any case, I have to say that it does seem the light is different.  I noticed it a lot in Balboa Park and you can also see below. Alas, I have returned to the land of frigid temperatures.  "Feels like 8*" is not something I enjoy waking up to.  Please bring some warmer temps for my anniversary trip!

On the web

Every week I save my favorite links from around the internet and present them here on Tuesday.  Click around and enjoy! Tic-Tac-Toe via xkcd You've probably seen xkcd before.  Most of his comics are amusing and many are insightful.  But every now and then, he really goes all out and creates something stunning and beautiful.  This is one such example. Google's Zeitgeist 2010 Statistical analysis alert!  Google reference alert!  When you combine these two things, you have one of the most fascinating, well-done accumulations of data around - Google's statistics on what people have been searching for in 2010, broken down by category and region.  Awesome stuff. Side income: is it a hobby or a business? Some of my readers might find this article interesting.  It describes how to determine if the IRS is going to think your photography is a business or a hobby.  If there's one place you want to have a strict definition, it's with the IRS. Free Business 101 course from Easy-as-Pie pricing I haven't taken this course yet (it's email-based) but it definitely sounds worthwhile for anyone not skilled on the business end. Free MIT Course: Intro to Photography and Related Media And for those just starting out their photography journey, university edumacation for the price of attention. surfing swimming by the beach in san diego, california

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