Tuesday “On the Web”

My husband is an eminently busy person right now.  He's working on getting into a Ph.D. program in Physics, while taking two classes at UMD and working full-time.  It's a lot on his plate and I'm grateful that he's striving for a balance.  He worked both days this weekend, but on Sunday took a break to have lunch with me.  We walked through the woods on the way to the restaurant and I caught the very end of fall's color show.  Things are rather brown everywhere, but there are still nice contrasts to be found - like yellow and blue.

On the Web

Every week I save my favorite links from around the internet and present them here on Tuesday.  Click around and enjoy! Juvenile Owl Humor If you don't think this is funny, I really doubt we can be friends. Embracing the upcycle instead of the downcycle via Seth Godin Do you compound failure with panic, inducing greater failure?  Or do you get strong and fix it?  Figuring out which is you and working toward the latter will have a dramatic effect on your life and career, Seth argues. Black Friday sales for photographers You know all those pre-Black Friday leaked ads filled with crap you don't need or want?  Photo Lovecat has very generously selected all the photography-related items and put them together in one mega-list of everything you could possibly be getting up for Friday morning.  Worth a look if you're in the market for stuff you can buy at Target. The Not-So-Ancient History of 10 Thanksgiving Dishes Just for fun. Trapped Antihydrogen When my brother and I were little, we used to fight a lot.  During our spats, Dad would often tell us we were matter and antimatter.  I would normally then tease my brother that I was matter and he was antimatter.  We'd fight about that too.  Anyway, scientists have trapped a tiny bit of the stuff, which is really big news for physicists. yellow leaves on a blue sky - washington dc

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