Bob Ross birthday party!

I am very fortunate to be surrounded by lovely, talented people.  Colin chose to have a "Bob Ross" painting party in celebration of his birthday and I was quite surprised at which of my friends are skilled painters.  Who knew!  Here are some images - a bit late, I know, but it's been busy here on the blog! the crew with all of their lovely creations painting supplies - yellow Two colins, painting away henning painting Colin & Sara's dog Sabrina.  She likes to be around Sara, a lot. Sabrina, the sad dog John's patriotic painting

Amber & Food | Chiles Rellenos

Chile rellenos are amazing, delicious things. But boy are they a pain in the butt to make!  I always forget how time-consuming and annoying they are because I am blinded by the results.  And honestly, I don't know how people manage to bread and fry them and keep them held together.  I can't keep them together just sitting in a pan. And naturally, as is my way, I forgot to take the after picture until I had already scarfed down an entire chile, so you'll just have to settle for 3/4 of the end product: final product - chiles stuffed with cheese, bacon Neither did I take any along-the-way photos, so here's what they looked like pre-melting: chile rellenos - stuffed peppers uncooked So without further ado, Chiles Rellenos Amber style: You'll need:
  • Poblano chiles

Amber cooks | Strawberry Syrup & Multigrain French Toast

One of my favorite businesses is Best Buns, a lovely little bakery a block and a half from my house.  I love being able to stop off on the way home from work and pick up a beautiful baguette.  They've got lots of other tasty goodies as well - including a hearty multigrain bread.  I used it this weekend to make some very indulgent, but hopefully not too sinful, french toast. french toast with strawberry sauce You'll have to forgive me about the recipe.  I'm not very good with measurements, particularly if I feel that they are unnecessary (which is most of the time, when I'm making dishes I can already pretty accurately produce).  Here's where you start: bread in the kitchen with other ingredients You'll need:
  • A beautiful loaf of bread.  You could bake your own or you could walk down to your bakery and buy a loaf.  This whole thing works better with a hearty, complex multigrain.